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Information for health


Written by Beatrix Berta

Coach, organizer, publisher, management, blogger

March 11, 2022

Overweight - a national disease?

The "problem" of overweight is a problem of civilisation. If we look at this issue from the perspective of new medicine, we can see that, like all natural disorders, there is emotional trauma and drama behind it. It is not relevant if the weight gain is the result of an inadequate diet, inadequate exercise, poisoning, or the side effects of certain drugs. Weight gain is the result of damage to several organs, which means that there may be more emotional content behind the overweight.


Adipose tissue reacts to the conflict of self-worth and self-esteem breakdown.


  •  If the person is unhappy with their shape, too skinny, too fat, big thighs, big buttocks, big belly. It's enough to be told as a child not to eat so much, you'll get fat, you'll be as fat as the next door neighbour. If you're told, but you're fat! What a big butt you've got! You should eat less!

People have the ability to think. If we look at the living world, we see that neither trees nor animals criticise themselves or others. They are simply the way they are. If one tree grows 'crooked', the other does not criticise why it is crooked, it is beautiful as it is. We humans are different from each other, which is why life is so colourful and interesting. Imagine what it would be like if every person looked the same, thought the same, did the same. The world wouldn't work, because not everyone can be a plumber, for example, and not everyone can look the same, so there are thinner people and fatter people. If someone is overweight for whatever reason, and they get comments and criticism from others because of it, it's just 'adding fuel to the fire'. The person can suffer further conflict and feel even smaller and inadequate, which can lead to further weight gain.

  • It is also a good idea to look at the areas of life where the person has to cope with certain things, whether in the family or at work. For example, at work, they may have to fight for a position, recognition, awards, or perhaps in the family for love and recognition. She struggles, she does her best to make him see her, to see her for who she is. Sometimes the mother may feel she has to protect her child, for example at school, or the man may feel he has to protect his colleague. In these circumstances, the brain does not perceive that it is the environment, but only senses the offensive, fighting situation and reacts by changing its own cells.
  • It is worth checking whether the person has feelings or thoughts that there is nothing to eat, that there is little to eat and that they should eat as much as they have so that the body can store it. Maybe there has been a similar history of starvation in your life or in your family.

Feelings, thoughts, environment...

During these feelings, adipose tissue is reduced and when these feelings and thoughts are diverted, the tissue is restored and becomes thicker, more, stronger.

Cellulite develops when you put on a few kilos and then lose a few kilos, or as a result of poisoning or an acidic body.


The Alpha-Langerhans islets of the pancreas produce glucagon. Glucagon is needed in the body to get sugar from the tissues into the blood. If little glucagon is produced, the sugar does not get into the blood, blood sugar levels will be low and the person will be hungry.

Two biological conflicts, two different emotional contents, result in less glucagon being produced in the body.


Biological conflicts

  1. Undesirable conflict. This is a typically feminine form of conflict, where nausea, nausea or disgust is associated with the situation, object or person involved. It "makes you sick to your stomach".
  2. Resistance-fear conflict. This is a typically masculine reaction. One person imposes his will on another, is under constant oppression and the other person resists. It is a situation that causes the person to resist.

Left-handed men react in a normal hormonal state with a resistance-fear conflict, right-handed women react in a normal hormonal state with an aversion-fear conflict when Alpha_Langerhans-Sziget cells are affected.

What is normal hormonal status?


  • after puberty, before menopause
  • the person is not taking any hormone-disrupting drugs (medicines, hormones, contraceptives, chemotherapy)
  • no external damage to the genital organs, sex hormone glands and no surgical removal
  • no special programme affecting hormone levels is running in the body (gonads, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, testes, pituitary gland)
  • no ongoing gender estate conflicts that affect hormone levels


  • certain behaviours at work. An employee scolds the boss to his co-worker, but when the boss walks in, he doesn't know how to praise him to his face, how to satisfy his wishes.
  • non-healing, stinking wound
  • public toilet cleaning (bloody pads, faecal toilet paper, syringes, needles, etc.)
  • spoiled food
  • Injections, due to the insulin injection itself
  • life situations, situations that are going on in the world


In the conflict-active phase, when you are experiencing similar feelings to those mentioned above, the pancreas produces less glucagon. The amount of tissue does not change. Less glucagon results in lower blood glucose levels, which results in hunger, possibly famine.

When the person understands the process, gets over the conflict, the emotion that caused the change, the blood sugar levels return to normal. In the middle of the recovery, you can expect a sharp drop in blood glucose, then a rise, and by the end of the special programme, glucagon and blood glucose levels will have normalised.

Video in German

Video in hungarian

Further information in the Organ Atlas: page 88,114

This description does NOT replace the medical visit, does not authorize the cessation of medical treatment. EDoes NOT replace ordered medications or surgeries by the doctor. Each person has the responsibility for his own life. Likewise, for his own health, illness even if that is sometimes unpleasant, unpleasant.

Need help clarifying your case or have specific questions about New Medicine? Make an appointment now with a Biologika New Medicine 5D consultant:

Learn now about the biological laws of nature and take responsibility for your own health. Acquire the Organ Atlas or one of our Neue Medizin-Kurse

Numerous instructional videos on our Youtube channel Biologika Germany






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