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Information for health


Written by Beatrix Berta

Coach, organizer, publisher, management, blogger

February 15, 2022


One of the "civilising" symptoms of our time is high blood pressure. Blood pressure can vary from minute to minute depending on our emotions, so if someone has a blood pressure reading or meter reading 1-2 times higher than the normal, it does not mean that there is an organ problem behind the higher reading.


  1. 1. People experience life situations in which our feelings and emotions can become heightened. A few emotional changes that can cause blood pressure to rise:
  • someone has a date 
  • Someone is in love
  • Before the exams
  • Conflict situations at school, work with collages or superiors
  • Before the visit to the doctor

One should always look at what emotional state the person is in.


  1.  The 2nd Biological Law of Nature describes that all change (illness) consists of 2 phases, if the affected person resolves his conflict. In the first phase, in the so-called conflict active phase,e befindet sich der Betroffene emotional in einem gesteigerten Betriebsmodus, das Gedanken dreht sich oft um das Problem und eine Lösung. Man schläft in der Nacht wenig, denkt sich über die lösende Situation. Man nennt das auch als sympatikotonischer Zustand.

    Am körperlichen Ebene bildet sich bereits Tumorwachstum, Gewebeschwund, oder sog Funktionsausfall, aber ist keine körperliche Beschwerde, keine Schmerzen zu spüren. Nach der Konfliktlösung wird der aufgebaut Tumor abgebaut, oder die geschwundene Stelle mit Begleitung der Entzündungssymptome wiederhergestellt. Die Symptome sind solange anwesend, bis das betroffene Gewebe auf die ursprüngliche Größe zurückgestellt wird.

With all changes in the conflict active phase, one can measure increased BP levels in the affected persons. The BP value changes, sometimes higher, sometimes lower.


  1.  A change in the renal cortex triggers permanently increased high blood pressure. What emotions, feelings does this tissue react to?
    - Unsuccessfulness, inability, self-esteem conflict associated with any fluid, such as: Water, sewage, dirty water, avalanche, oil, gasoline, infusion, injection, etc. Conflict associated with blood, does not belong to this theme. This is an overflowing, overflowing, or decreasing thing.



                                                                                            High blood pressure


  • The woman turned on the washing machine and went to town. When she came home, the basement was under the water, because during washing something happened with washing machine and flowed out the water.
  • Oil is on the road, the car drives through, slides and causes an accident.
  • Injection, infusion is given against the will of affected persons 
  • Someone has way too much work, and it's getting more and more.
  • Someone gets little pension, the income becomes less, does not flow in as the person thought it would.


During these feelings, conflicts, tissue atrophy, cell reduction is formed in the renal cortex. No noticeable physical symptoms are felt. However, the blood pressure increases permanently. One can even measure over 200/100 BP value.

As soon as the conflict is resolved, the soul calms down, the affected area recovers, accompanied by inflammatory symptoms, pain, fever, a real cyst develops. The symptoms persist until the tissues return to their original state, then disappear, the blood pressure value returns to normal until the lesion is over.

  1. certain medicines, drugs and alcohol can also cause elevated blood pressure

Further information in the Organ Atlas: page 93

Video in German

Video in Hungarian

This description does NOT replace the medical visit, does not authorize the cessation of medical treatment. EDoes NOT replace ordered medications or surgeries by the doctor. Each person has the responsibility for his own life. Likewise, for his own health, illness even if that is sometimes unpleasant, unpleasant. 

Need help clarifying your case or have specific questions about New Medicine? Make an appointment now with a Biologika New Medicine 5D consultant:


Learn now about the biological laws of nature and take responsibility for your own health. Acquire the Organ Atlas or one of our Neue Medizin-Kurse

Numerous instructional videos on our Youtube channel Biologika Germany




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